Klimaanlage stinkt? Mit AIRTUNE setzen Sie Ihren Kunden an die frische Luft!

Der Frühling steht vor der Tür und die ersten Sonnenstrahlen sorgen bereits jetzt für strahlende Gesichter. Doch sobald die Lüftung eingeschaltet wird, entströmt ein unangenehmer Geruch?


Smelly air conditioning? With AIRTUNE give your customers fresh air!

Spring is just around the corner and the first rays of sunshine are already making for radiant faces. But as soon as the ventilation is switched on, does an unpleasant smell escape?

Every air conditioner develops bacteria and spores over time without care and maintenance. This stinks in the truest sense of the word and worse: it makes you sick! Therefore, every customer should be informed and educated about the relevance of a climate infection, even if it does not stink yet.